Yesterday exchange with guitar and band
were not perfectly performed.
Although i did felt a bit shameful,
as we didn't perform that well as conductor commented,
but i guess it's okay,
just have to put in more effort that's all.
we are merely reaching our gold right now.
It could be heard,
as for me I've been in SYF for 3 years.
Actually, I would agreed that if there's movement,
gold is nothing for YYCO,
maybe could try to reach for GWH even.
Yesterday is my fault for being rude by laughing out the mistake.
But the truth is that I'm not laughing at the mistake,
is the way he hit and it sounds funny,
almost like telling a joke.
But eventually it's still my fault ba?
i guess, well, i apologized.
Good luck for band,
8 more days to go.
And good luck for CO,
22 more days to go.
Guitar too,
Good luck and jiayous!
Achieve a triple gold!
Go for it!
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 4:44 AM

Okay a few random shot of todays Speech day!
( shit forgot to take with jiayi and my sis together in a photo)
Today i don't want talk much a bit too tired due to moving chairs.
So damn tired!!
Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 10:25 PM
( The most special post ever )
Message to J:
I don't know who are you,
as you didn't state your name for me to know you.
But what i want to say is
you shouldn't have commented
I'm a 'unappreciative geek'
as i always appreciate all the things i have.
there's something that you take advantage of me.
Otherwise, i appreciate everything,
my friends can be witness,
therefore not just only me proving on this.
But if the reason you come and say bad things about me,
is because i offended you or your friend.
then you can say nicely what happened.
But if you are anyone that i mention in my blog,
cause of something bad you did
and i posted my comment on you,
then this does not call 'i offended you',
but it's the truth
( as i won't make up a story to say bad things about others ),
and i don't anyhow scold people in my blog,
only if you did something on me that i can't stand it.
And if i didn't offended you and you came here and scold me,
which is almost totally impossible.
Then, maybe you should reflect on yourself first.
But through your tag and the way you say it,
it doesn't seems to be a harmful or hurtful comment,
so maybe it's just a misunderstanding between us.
Plus what i type in my blog i didn't specify anyone i saying about,
so it could have not be you
I'm just only expressing my feelings of that day.
If i really that 'unappreciative'
i would mention the name of you or your friend right?
But i didn't,
I'm not that cruel to let the whole world
know who you are.
Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 4:57 PM
I remembered this day.
When mdm Ding took out her pen
and ask for a white piece of paper
to write a resign letter.
I was shocked,
as if there's no more hope tomorrow.
But luckily,
we had mdm De to prevent it for happen.
went to TPECC to watch our school CO performance,
or rather ruan ensemble
and of course the
must-not-miss Pasir Ris Secondary CO performance.
I was enjoying myself throughout the whole concert,
only for some soloist song that nearly made me fall asleep.
Of course,
I'm amazed by the PRSCO performance,
their piece sound almost like a classic song,
tune were played perfectly.
And then i realised,
why on that day mdm Ding made that decision.
It's all because our standard were far apart from other school she teach.
They(PRSCO) played the piece without afraid of playing wrong tune.
Whereas our school are a bit slightly lose to them.
Hope that CO member could replay the happening on that day in their mind,
If not what happen next,
it's almost predictable.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 11:49 PM
I treat all friends and friendship seriously,
i could open up my arms widely to welcome anyone to be my friend,
but i couldn't stand repeating action
that can make me frustrate.
And therefore,
my friendship with you are finished.
Cause i don't want to stress myself over it.
every time i think of it,
i couldn't stand it,
if i continued to be like this,
i might even have gotten peers depression.
So, it's the end.
Although it's hard to forget this friendship
as it's almost the 2nd half year
we knew each other,
but I've no other choice,
you would be happier if you could go and find THAT GUY.
I know i may be mean right now,
but at this moment,
or i should say before this moment,
i already try to tell myself that,
friends has no limit,
at least you won't forget the best one,
and run away with someone who you've just met.
But you've just did this in front of me.
too many times.
You just met with him not long ago,
and this is what happens now.
you know i hate him for some reasons.
you still pull him here?
it's not that I'm petty,
but what i can give i already had given.
Chances are precious,
so do remember to appreciate it.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
I'm so jealous!!
my sis got her new desktop,
and the screen is like omg big la!
Ahh,somehow i feel that my computer
could just throw aside.
Don't know what to do.
now i'm using this desktop
as if it belongs to me.
how i wish if this could happen!
I think i should switch the both computers,
*Shhhhh don't tell my sis*
tomorrow got CO and i'm gonna skip!
If any member see this line.
and my sis reborn her hair again.
it should be looking good this time round.
Sign off.
Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Results were out today,
surprised by the grades i score.
i got 3 A1,
but other than that i got an B3 for
Chineseand a F9 for combined humanities
and E8 for my
My L1R5 reach beyond 20 points,
But it's alright,
it's just a small common test.
So i wouldn't bother that much actually.
School holiday is tomorrow,
and there's a big pile of homework i have to do.
And there's few remedial in between the holiday
CCA practice.
What is this!
might as well ask us to go back school for lesson.
Holiday is getting more 不象话.
From today onwards,
I'm sick of CO.
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
Almost vomit today.
Last two period was geography,
Ms Loo let us watch a movie 'blood diamond'.
and my classmates went to shut all windows and doors
just to get no lights to enter our classroom,
and the room gets hotter when the show
was being played half way through.
I was feeling terribly sick at that moment!
And wished to open up the windows to get some..
But i think again,
and i choose to go for a walk and then to washroom.
When get back to the class,
i feel more worse,
i felt as if my brain is lacking of air,
and when i turn around,
there's almost none of my friends felt the same way as me.
so no choice,
i reached out for my hand phone,
and pressing around,
finding something that could make the leftover time
to past faster.
And so, i decided to play few round of games,
without letting teacher know.
Then after lesson i went home straight away after dismissal.
I felt alright after i left the class.
And after i aboard the bus,
felt the same again!
Therefore, today is a super horrible day for me!
Makes me feel like vomiting almost after a day of school.
However, I'm feeling much better now. =)
and something much more interesting did happen
this week.
The incident is like this.
Monday, there's remedial, and after remedial i wanted to have
a lunch at the canteen.
It was almost 3.30pm when i reached the canteen,
and all stalls were closed, only left the snack stall.
so i have no choice and i bought a light snack and rush up for CCA.
so i ate my food on my way to the third floor, and wanted to go to the washroom.
By that time i reached the 3rd floor washroom,
i had my last mouth of my snack and i had it with a big open mouth.
as it's quite a big size left that i can't fit into my mouth
by just open it a little bit
so i did open my mouth quite wide.
it happen that the last mouth was being eaten
at the same time when i push the door of the washroom,
and just nice someone came out of the washroom.
and when he saw me,
we both got frightened by each other.
Usually all people have the same reaction;
as we don't know if there is someone inside or outside.
And after that i went into the washroom and nearly laugh out loudly.
Because i think that i must have been the one who frighten him
as you could imagine the image of my face when at that time.
Open my mouth widely and eat in the last mouthful of my food.
But actually i think that his reaction is much more funny, hahas.
i had my English oral,
didn't panic but i keep revise through what my
English teacher gave us to practice on.
Three useful piece of notes.
When i took my oral,
my Read Aloud was being comment by teacher
about having monotone.
but nothing went wrong with my Picture Discussion and Conversation.
So i think that it should be fine.
Anyway i had a peek on my score when my invigilator
actually hold up the question paper to refer
which was needed to cover the score she mark on students oral.
and i saw a 6 for reading and 9 for picture.
i was relief as i didn't failed this time round.
Whole long pieces of post for today, to cover up the entire week i guess..
Sign off to have a nap,
as there's a pile of homework waiting for me to complete.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 3:51 PM
what a week.
tuesday had a fun career talk,
but i can't laugh due to sore throat.
till today still here.
next day worst.
flu for the whole day in school.
felt so tired.
next week is the last week.
and report card is going to return to us.
did badly for this term.
had 2 subject failed.
nothing to write.
don't know what to write.
sometimes it's hard to update blog.
cause this year is only all about studies.
no mood for any games at this point.
and i don't know why.
Saturday, March 7, 2009 @ 11:42 PM